CIE News Archive

Annual Report 2010
CIE's Annual Report for 2010 is available for download here. This document contains a comprehensive overview of all our work in the year 2010.

Archaeological Investigation Tanzania
14th-27th November 2010
CIE led an investigation into the Maritime and Underwater Cultural Heritage (MUCH) sites surrounding Kilwa Kisiwani and Songo Mnara World Heritage Sites in Tanzania. Representatives from South Africa and Namibia joined the Tanzanian team.

CIE obtains NAS training licence
November 2010
CIE and the Nautical Archaeological Society (NAS) entered into an agreement where CIE may now hold a licence to conduct NAS training programmes in South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique, Namibia, Kenya, Hong Kong and Micronesia for 5 years.

Panafrican Archaeological Association for Prehistory and Related Studies
1st-6th November 2010
The 13th congress was held at the University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal. CIE participated in a session; The Potential Role of the World Heritage Convention, ICOMOS and ICAHM in African Archaeological Site Preservation and Economic Development'.

International Symposium Russia and the Netherlands.
19th October 2010
CIE organised a conference on Mutual Cultural Heritage between the Russian Federation and the Netherlands. It took place in the National Library in St. Petersburg. It gave the Russian heritage field the opportunity to discuss and evaluate the heritage cooperation with the Dutch, and to bring forward ideas and concepts for new cooperation.

Handover Ceremony Sydney
9th October 2010
This was the official handover of the ANCODS collection in Sydney. The Dutch Ambassador to Australia presented the artefacts at a ceremony held at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney.

Symposium, Leiden
September 2010
In September a BA course with around 30 university students started at Leiden 'Crossroads of the European Expansion, A Historical Archaeological Perspective'. With guest lectures from various experts the students were trained in the principles of historical archaeology and were introduced to the history of European Expansion. Their efforts resulted in this symposium where the developments of expansion cities, VOC trade routes and encounters, as well as western perspectives on colonial archaeology in Africa were discussed.

ANCODS Exhibition Lelystad
15th September-27th October
This exhibition gave the Dutch audience a final chance to see the collection in advance of their return to Australia. The exhibition was held at the Nieuwland Erfgoed Centrum in Lelystad. Following the opening ceremony the Australian Ambassador and the Dutch secretary-general of Culture and Media signed the mutual declaration for the collection repatriation.

Discussions on Mutual Cultural Heritage Cooperation, Indonesia
25th September 2010
CIE and the Indonesian Heritage Trust organised a meeting to discuss the mutual cultural heritage cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands in Bandung. The discussions were structured around heritage conservation, strengthening heritage programmes, museum cooperation, heritage tourism and heritage education and capacity building.

16th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, The Hague
1st-5th September 2010
CIE presented our views on capacity building programmes to support the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001. In January 2009 the Convention came into force with 32 countries having ratified it. Our experiences in many different countries support the need for guidelines and outlines, however they also need to be subjective; taking on the values, needs and input of stakeholders and communities nearby.

Guam Maritime Field Techniques Course
6-16th July 2010
A course of study was arranged by Dr. Bill Jeffery (CIE) in collaboration with the University of Guam and the Micronesian Area Research Centre. They conducted surveys recording and documenting an American landing craft from World War II at Agat.

CIE in the news
1st May 2010
News article in The Western Australian 'Treasures of the Deep Return', reporting on the ANCODS collection and their return to Australia.

Workshop; Management Approaches at Earthen Heritage Sites
May 2010
This workshop was organised at the Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden. It aimed to discuss the theory and daily practices of heritage management projects that deal with earthern archaeology and architecture in contexts of poverty and post-conflict.

Heritage Day Russia
19th March 2010
This Heritage Day was held in Amsterdam and aimed to investigate how knowledge exchange in the field of cultural heritage between the Netherlands and the Russian Federation works, how each country can benefit and learn from the other.

Identification Visit Russia
January 2010
CIE representatives visited the Russian Federation to become acquainted with the Russian heritage field working with the Netherlands. The aim was to explain the purpose of the upcoming Heritage Day and to investigate support for holding a similar conference in the Russian Federation. They met with stakeholders in St. Petersberg and Moscow.

Annual Report 2009
Read our Annual Report for the year 2009. It is available to download here. The booklet contains an overview of all CIE's activities this year, as well as introductions from the CIE Director and a summary of our finances.

Exhibition at the Museo del Fin del Mundo, Ushauaia in Argentina
18th December 2009
CIE helped the Museo del Fin del Mundo in creating a travelling exhibition around Dutch influence and early exploration of the local area.

Identification Visit Brazil
21st November-4th December 2009
Members of the CIE team visited Brazil to get aquainted with the Brazilian heritage field cooperating with the Netherlands. The aim of the visit was to explain about the Heritage Day in October and propose to organise a similar event in Brazil in 2010. They met with stakeholders in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Recife and Sao Paulo.

Heritage Day Brazil
7th October 2009
This heritage day took place at the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam. The morning consisted of penel discussions and presentation covering the themes of: academic cooperation and archives, tangible and intangibl heritage, as well as the mutuality of mutual heritage.

Dutch Manhattan 1609-2009; Lecture Series
18th September 2009
CIE participated in the Autumn lecture series in New York in the NMAI, which presented the Native viewpoint on Henry Hudson.

Expert Meeting Afghanistan
July 2009
CIE organised a coordination meeting in Delhi to discuss the projects for the coming years with our Afghani partners. It was attended by the Acting Deputy Minister of Information and Culture as well as the Director of the National Museum in Afghanistan.

Mutual Heritage Workshop Sri Lanka
12th-12th June 2009
This meeting took place in the Maritime Archaeological Museum in Galle, Sri Lanka. This two-day programme consisted of workshops and presentations followed by discussions between the Sri Lankan and Dutch heritage professionals. A central theme concerned heritage tourism in Sri Lanka.

Stakeholder Meeting Dutch-Surinamese Heritage Cooperation
9th April 2009
A stakeholder meeting was organised as a follow up to the Heritage Day in Suriname and Shared Heritage Workshop. During this meeting the director of the Directorate Culture of Suriname exchanged information on Surinamese heritage policy with the invited experts, who in turn presented the activities of the Dutch heritage field concerning Suriname and the Dutch Mutual Cultural Heritage Policy.

International Heritage Symposium, Cape Town
6th March 2009
CIE organised a symposium on shared heritage between South Africa and the Netherlands in cooperation with SAHRA. The meeting was held in Casteel de Goede Hoop in Cape Town, and was organised as a follow-up to the Heritage Day in 2008. The aim was to provide an opportunity for South African heritage professionals to discuss and evaluate the heritage cooperation with the Dutch heritage field and governmental institutions.The memorandum of understanding between SAHRA and CIE was also signed then.

Cultural Heritage Inventory, Dutch Antilles
February 2009
A CIE representative visited the islands of the Netherlands Antilles to start creating an inventory of the cultural heritage network and the collaboration between the Netherlands and the islands.

International Symposium on Underwater Archaeology, Taiwan
December 2008
CIE participated at this conference, with the paper 'Dutch Shipping in Asian Waters; Some Historical Archaeological Case Studies'.

Expert Meeting, Netherlands Antilles and Aruba
11th December 2008
CIE in cooperation with the National Restoration Fund organised an expert meeting concerning monument care, public housing and spatial planning in the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba; 'Shared History- Shared Past: Monument care and development in the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba'. The meeting aimed to provide more insights into the existing cooperation between the Dutch and local partners on the islands in these fields. The aim was to discuss opportunities and possibilities to strengthen this cooperation.

Heritage Day Sri Lanka
27th November 2008
This heritage day was opened by Her Excellency the Ambassador Mrs. Grace Asirwatham. The morning lectures were given by heritage professionals working in and with Sri Lanka, followed by afternoon workshops covering topics such as academic cooperation, archaeology, capacity building in built heritage sectors and the mutuality of mutual heritage.

Heritage Day Suriname
14th November 2008
This workshop was entitled 'Shared Cultural Heritage Suriname-Netherlands' organised with CIE and the Directorate Culture Suriname, which took place in Paramaribo. It aimed to investigate possibilities to improve coordination and relationships with heritage projects and cooperation.

Discussion on the Mutual Cultural Heritage Policy
19th June 2008
This event was focused upon the different possibilities for organising Dutch heritage representation in foreign countries. A lively discussion entailed concerning the state of affairs within international cooperation in the field of mutual heritage.

Heritage Day South Africa
8th June 2008
This event took place in Zeist, The Netherlands. The morning consisted of a number of lectures given by heritage professionals of both countries, followed by afternoon workshop sessions around the themes of built heritage, museums, archives, books and photos, and the mutality of mutual heritage.

Curiosity without borders, Rotterdam
31st March 2008
CIE participated in this conference alongside 23 organisations. The aim was to create more awareness for intensification of international cultural policy and the culture and development programme wthin the Netherlands.

KITLV Workshop, Cape Town
24th-28th March 2008
The workshop took place at the University of Stellenbosch, attended by experts in the field of colonial history and cultural heritage. There were participants from Brazil, Ghana, Indonesia, the Netherlands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, the Netherlands Antilles and Suriname. CIE attended the meeting and contributed to the publication 'Migration and its cultural legacies in the Dutch colonial orbit; past and present'.

Expert Meeting Afghanistan
20th December 2007
CIE organised an international expert meeting in Amsterdam concerning the Afghanistan Programme. It was decided that there is a need to ensure that the plans and activities should not only benefit the National Museum in Kabul, but also the local museums in surrounding areas.

Culture and Development Dinner
5th September 2007
CIE held a ‘Diner Pensant’ about the future of Culture & Development in the context of the signing of the ‘Schokland agreement’ between seventeen Dutch cultural institutions and the Dutch Minister of Development Cooperation. The main theme was the position of cultural heritage in development work. Guests from all different sectors (museum, administration, development funds, science and commerce) contributed to a fruitful discussion and a successful evening.

Museum Awareness Weekend, Afghanistan
December 2010
This Museum Awareness Weekend event was held at the Bagh-e Jehan Nama Palace. The Director of the National Museum of Afghanistan, Dr. Masoudi and fellow curators gave presentations for the local communities on the idea behind transforming the palace into a regional museum and what ethnographic collections can tell us about the cultural identity of a region. This was accompanied by two small exhibitions.