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CIE Heritage Academy / HeritageLab Platform


Our 'Academy' combines and brings together the creative minds of young practitioners and students, the experience of fieldworkers and the research and understanding of academics. Through providing such a platform we can connect a diverse network of international heritage pracitioners and stakeholders. We can stimulate collaboration between countries, regions, which will incorporate expansive networks of both local communities and heritage practitioners, to inspire them to discover real and practical solutions to heritage issues. We aim to facilitate an interactive learning environment and provide regular opportunities for cooperation and networking. This will enable more senior experts, young professionals, students and communities involved with heritage and heritage sites to come into direct contact, and to engage in the exchange of ideas and views. 


Our staff have been involved in numerous projects which have been focused upon multi-disciplinary research and training in heritage management techniques. Alongside our well-established international network of experts, CIE aims to share knowledge and experience in the hope of improving upon the standard of cultural heritage management, heritage studies and professional models. CIE desires to facilitate international cooperation which is based upon mutual respect for different and diverse cultural perspectives. 


For heritage experts many platforms and environments exist already. However for young professionals and students, it is often dificult to get access to the inside and more senior layers. We believe that both more experienced players and younger individuals can benefit from each other's skills, talents, vision and knowledge. Therefore it is essential to enable these people to connect. Our aim is to provide an environment in which people can learn from one another and harness the products of their collaborations in furthering approaches and attitudes towards heritage in the future. Heritage has emotional flavour. CIE's approach follows that heritage should be preserved as a dynamic knowledge resource rather than as a document, archive or petrified heritage. It is this attitude that colours our work in dealing with heritage and is the inspiration behind the CIE Heritage Academy. 



We offer multiple fieldschools and internships, we teach shortcourses- for example at universities, summer schools, youth groups and local organisations. We enable the connection and expansion of our network through our international online platform- taking off through The HeritageLab Platform. We also encourage our young professionals to experiment with film and modern media in various innovative ways, in order to tell their own heritage stories, and the stories of those they encounter. These methods we believe will allow us to reach much further and to help heritage be seen as far more inclusive and relevant to an even bigger range of people than ever before. 



Through the fieldschools, internships and short-courses we help to train young practitioners in critical thinking about heritage and practical management skills. In this environment they can share and exchange knowledge and practical experience with local and external networks. CIE have run many fieldschools across the world including: Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates. 


Within our online platform- The Heritage Emporium- is a creative learning, exchange and resource centre related to current heritage issues and themes. It enables practitioners and any interested individuals to explore their local, national and international heritage environment and connect with one another through mutual themes and interests. These knowledge exchange tools are intended to help provide the tools to respond to current heritage challenges. 


Our Heritage Academy helps to identify research needs within the heritage sector, strengthen existing partnerships as well develop new connections. It further contributes towards excellence in the field and to inspire and explore new ideas and research. It is our aim to convert academic results into real practice and to influence the decision making processes for heritage. 



If you are interested to learn more about the CIE Heritage Academy, please keep an eye-out for any upcoming vacancies, or drop us an email at to speak to our team. Summaries from some of our previous Heritage Academy activities can be found within the content of this website, divided by country. 







Creative Minds










Mutual Respect






Emotional Flavour







CIE - Centre for International Heritage Activities

Centrum voor Internationale Erfgoedactiviteiten 



KvK number: 34257403

RSIN number: 8170. 49. 605
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