About CIE

CIE was founded on the 27th April 2006, established as a non-profit foundation (stichting). Our head office is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands but our network of advisors, associates and partners stretch worldwide. Our CIE family is made up of individuals from a diverse range of different cultures and countries, all united by a passion for heritage, and a desire to foster community empowerment and capacity building initiatives through cultural activities. Our organisation embraces members from a variety of different disciplines and experiences, welcoming those who are at the beginning of their career, as well as those who have dedicated their whole working lives to heritage. It is this attitude we feel that makes our team unique and their diverse repetoire of experiences and knowledge of different sectors allows us to take fresh and exciting approaches towards cultural heritage.
CIE is a dyamic, international and independant non-profit knowledge centre and leading advocate for multilateral heritage cooperation. With our collaborative, participatroy and inclusive approach towards heritage, CIE has built up a strong reputation for cooperating with stakeholders and local partners in helping to improve heritage management practices through capacity-building and awareness raising initiatives.
Through working with affiliated networks of communities with common interests across diverse geographies, CIE strives to connect people and create cultural and professional ties over long distances. One of our core aims in all aspects of our work it to bring together young practitioners with more seasoned professionals through facilitating the implementation of heritage projects across the world.
CIE aims to increase collaboration and knowledge sharing in the field of heritage through bringing together passionate individuals, disseminating expertise and developing international heritage projects. It is our intention to actively engage in intercultural dialogues and pursue new pathways for cooperation and heritage management with a more integrated model of heritage, one that has a much more multi-vocal approach and consists of locally driven intiatives.

​Mission and Vision
Donations and Legal Status
CIE is an Algemeen Nut Beoogende Instelling (ANBI) for the purposes of the authorities in the Netherlands. Any donation will therefore give a resident in the Netherlands the possibility of a potential tax deduction.
If you are considering supporting the activities of CIE please contact us, and we will gladly provide you with more information.
Name: Stichting Centrum voor Internationale Erfgoedactiviteiten
IBAN: NL08ABNA0470248947

CIE was inducted by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova as an international NGO working in official relations with UNESCO. CIE was granted UNESCO collaboration and consulation accreditation to work with the Convention for the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001.