CIE News and Events 2013

Annual Report 2013
Read the CIE annual report for 2013 here detailing all our activities for the year, an overview of our finances and summaries from the Director and Board.

Identification Mission; Galle, Sri Lanka
27th November-8th December 2013
CIE represented visited Galle in order to identify local stakeholders, their needs and priorities for future shared heritage projects. They wished to identify possible heritage activities based on community involvement and also to find funding bodies and local partners for future activities with CIE.

Conference on Dutch Diaspora
November 2013
CIE attended a conference on Dutch diaspora in Australia and New Zealand, held in Melbourne. The event was organised by the embassies of the Netherlands in Canberra and Wellington and brought together many experts in migration heritage as well as Dutch migrant representatives.

Underwater Archaeology Training, Mozambique
October 2013
CIE have been working with the community of Ilha de Mozambique since 2009. Our program is focused upon providing the basic framework, theory and skills for heritage management in the area. The key factors in fighting treasure hunting are local awareness and commitment in safeguarding and developing this heritage. CIE visited Mozambique to begin setting up this training in underwater archaeology for the community of Ilha de Mozambique.

Exhibition '1000 Cities of Bactria', Afghanistan
6th July 2013
In July a new temporary exhibition opened at the National Museum in Afghanistan, focused upon the narratives associated with Alexander the Great's Empire, during its rule over Bactria (modern Northern Afghanistan). Balkh, the capital of Bactria, was a major cultural and political centre during the Persian dynasties and major trading and cultural meeting point during the Achaemenid Period.

Educational Programs, Afghanistan
Summer 2013
2013 was a year that focused on educational activities. Our educational program continued with training teachers in Kholm and Mazar-al Sherif for the 'Kholm for Kids' program. New educational tools for heritage education were developed and applied in the classrooms. The aim is to raise awareness for the values and potential of transmitting cultural heritage education to children.

IPD Course
June-July 2013
In June and July, as part of CIE's Heritage Academy, a course was arranged 'Into the Project Design' (IPD), for a selected group of Masters students. This course gave the students insight into the phases of a project design, including its theory and practice, focused around the case study of Galle, Sri Lanka. Their assignments focused around shared heritage, community involvement and featured guest lectures from various heritage professionals from Turkey, South Africa and Sri Lanka.

Conference 'What is the Value of your Heritage?', India
8th March 2013
CIE and Kochi-Muziris Binnale organised a conference at Fort Cochin in India. The purpose of this event was to explore perspectives of heritage as a tool for economic development and bring together various stakeholders. The central question was how to improve sustainability for future heritage projects within India.

Counterpart Meeting, Ghana
15th February 2013
This counterpart meeting was a follow-up to the Heritage Day organised in 2012. It involved a Round Table discussion which focused upon development opportunities in conservation and enhancement of common cultural heritage in Ghana. The event was held in the National Museum of Ghana in Accra, the main theme was focused upon cooperation between the Netherlands and Ghana from a Ghanaian perspective.

Fieldschool New York University Abu Dhabi, Sri Lanka
January-February 2013
CIE Director Robert Parthesius, as visiting Professor to NYUAD, taught a course 'Shared Cultural Heritage- Practices and Perspectives', part of which involved a research assignment at the World Heritage Site of Galle in Sri Lanka. Students had to examine Galle as a shared heritage site, under the catagories of living heritage, colonial city, maritime hub and regional centre as well as completing a heritage impact assessment. CIE fieldschools are always done in cooperation with local partners and aim to train students in critically thinking about heritage and acquiring practical management skills.